Fortune Tech: Technology blogs, news and analysis from Fortune Magazine

Thursday, February 4, 2010

They ban YouTube and forget Google Videos!

It seems that banning YouTube, which has been the most viewed video posting web destination for various age groups in the last two years, especially in Libya, it seems banning it influenced a lot of teenagers in the country.

The justification remains a dilemma, specially with the action being simultaneous with the shut-down of at least 5 independent Libyan electronic newspapers.

The question that puzzles me: is Libya behind this, and if it is behind banning YouTube, did they forget about: Google Videos, the same based web based video posting site, and did they forget about Google being YouTube's owner?

I read somewhere that YouTube is banned from Google, but why would Google risk loosing a market share that is estimated to be at least 200,000 internet users.

The reason will be explained I believe, its just a matter of time!

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