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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Abdel Eljaroshi: Libyana goes a long way the other way!

Libyana Mobile Phone

Not a long time ago, I was installing some games on a friend's portable computer, and I was amazed to find on his computer a copy of Libyana Mobile Phone Company's client's database, containing all kinds of very important information, to name a few: names, phone numbers, and addresses, I asked him: Where did you get this? He said: Everyone has it.

I found some people I know, and this just disturbed me, if they have to have it, they have to take care of it.

The other issue is the use of this database goes against all ethics, Islamic teachings, and it just disgusted me.

Please be aware that Libyana's database contains more then 2 million users, that just make the concept of Information Security trash material in Libya. And they get paid 150 Dirhams per minute, what a waste of time, money, and what a risk we take giving our REAL information for those people.

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