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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Electronic Banking, in Libya!


The first privately operated Libyan banking service provider, Bank of Commerce and Development, launched an e-banking service, an Online Bank they called it, but my question is: Is it secure?

Banks deal with very sensitive data, its sensitivity comes from having to deal directly with bank accounts, and those have MONEY in them. So is the quality of services that high? Did Libyan banks, private or government owned, become that capable of providing such service, and running it without the risk of an info leak, or a security breach?

I guess not, my answer will be... But what might you think? My advice: Do not use such services, or any other kind of service that might make you the victim of online banking theft crimes, and believe me, there are a lot of those who can hack into banking systems and rob them clean.

Abdel Eljaroshi - IT&IS Engineer\Project Management Specialist

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